
Cancer Screening & Vitality

Cancer Screening & Vitality, A Proactive Approach to Health and Wellness

In the realm of cancer care and overall wellness, prevention and early detection stand as critical pillars. Dr. Sankhala's comprehensive approach to health care embodies this philosophy, emphasizing the importance of regular cancer screenings and fostering vitality through proactive wellness strategies. This essay delves into the essential role that cancer screening plays in maintaining health, the benefits of early detection, and how Dr. Sankhala integrates these principles into a holistic care model that prioritizes patient health and vitality.

The Critical Role of Cancer Screening

Cancer screening is a powerful tool in the early detection of cancer, often before symptoms arise. By identifying cancer at an early stage, treatment can be more effective, less invasive, and potentially lead to better outcomes. Dr. Sankhala advocates for a personalized screening schedule based on individual risk factors, including family history, lifestyle, and pre-existing health conditions, ensuring that screenings are tailored to each patient's unique needs.

Screening methods vary by cancer type but may include blood tests, imaging procedures, and other diagnostic tests that aim to catch cancer early or identify risk factors that could lead to cancer. Dr. Sankhala and his team utilize the latest advancements in screening technologies and methodologies, providing patients with access to the most effective tools for early detection.

The Benefits of Early Detection

The early detection of cancer can dramatically alter the course of treatment and prognosis. When cancer is identified at an earlier stage, patients often have more treatment options available, including less aggressive surgeries, targeted therapies, and the possibility of participating in clinical trials for cutting-edge treatments. Moreover, early detection can significantly increase survival rates and improve the quality of life during and after treatment.

Dr. Sankhala emphasizes the empowerment that comes with early detection, encouraging patients to take an active role in their health care through regular screenings and check-ups. This proactive approach not only aids in the early identification of cancer but also fosters a greater sense of control and confidence among patients in their health journey.

Integrating Vitality into Cancer Care

Beyond the focus on screening and early detection, Dr. Sankhala's approach to care extends to enhancing overall vitality and wellness. Recognizing that physical, emotional, and mental health are interlinked, his model of care includes comprehensive lifestyle assessments and recommendations aimed at improving patients' quality of life.

This may involve nutritional counseling, exercise regimens, stress management techniques, and other holistic health strategies that support the body's natural defenses and promote healing. By addressing the whole person, not just the disease, Dr. Sankhala's care model aims to boost patients' vitality, resilience, and ability to thrive even in the face of health challenges.


Cancer screening and vitality are integral components of Dr. Sankhala's approach to oncology and wellness. By prioritizing personalized screening schedules and advocating for a lifestyle that supports overall well-being, Dr. Sankhala empowers patients to take charge of their health. This proactive and comprehensive care model not only aims to detect cancer at its earliest and most treatable stages but also to enhance patients' vitality, ensuring they lead fuller, healthier lives. In the landscape of modern healthcare, Dr. Sankhala's commitment to prevention, early detection, and holistic wellness sets a benchmark for excellence in patient care.

Galleri Testing

The Galleri® test is a multi-cancer early detection tool that can identify signals from over 50 types of cancer, including many that are not typically screened for. This test, which requires just a simple blood draw, offers insights for early detection, allowing individuals to take a proactive stance on their health. It can easily be incorporated into a routine appointment at NextGen Oncology.

This test is particularly recommended for adults at a higher risk of cancer, such as those aged 50 and above. While it's designed to complement, not replace, other recommended cancer screening tests, it provides an additional layer of insight.

It's important to note that the Galleri test does not identify all cancers nor does it assess your genetic risk for future cancers. It is meant to work alongside other screening tests advised by your healthcare provider, who will guide you on any necessary follow-up tests to verify the presence of cancer.

For an in-depth exploration, visit our Galleri Testing page.

MyRisk Hereditary Cancer Assessment

The MyRisk genetic screening offers crucial insights for individuals with a significant personal or familial cancer history, illuminating their risk of developing the disease. Armed with this knowledge, they can adopt strategies to possibly prevent cancer, delay its onset, or detect it early—when treatment is more likely to be successful and survival rates are higher. This test is designed to evaluate your risk for eight types of hereditary cancers, including endometrial, breast, ovarian, gastric, colorectal, pancreatic, melanoma, and prostate cancers.

Available at NextGen Oncology, a straightforward genetic test followed by a thorough analysis can reveal your predisposition to hereditary cancers by spotting gene mutations. Understanding your susceptibility enables you and your healthcare provider to devise proactive measures to minimize your cancer risk.

Frequently Asked Questions

Interpreting Detected Signals in Your Galleri Test Results: What Are They Indicating?

This suggests a possibility of cancer, but it doesn't serve as a definitive diagnosis. The Galleri test helps identify where within the body the cancer may be originating, aiding your healthcare provider in planning next steps. Your provider will outline the necessary follow-up tests to ascertain if cancer is indeed present.

How can I undergo a MyRisk or Galleri test?

Discuss with NextGen Oncology to identify the ideal test for your situation. The testing can be performed on-site at our centers

What is the turnaround time for receiving the test results?

Your provider will inform you of your test results immediately upon their availability, potentially as early as two weeks after your test date.

Are MyRisk and Galleri tests covered by insurance?

The majority of insurance plans include coverage for MyRisk genetic tests aimed at identifying hereditary cancers. While specific details can vary, most patients do not incur any direct costs. Myriad endeavors to secure the most favorable reimbursement for our genetic testing services, with the objective of ensuring you benefit from your insurance plan's full coverage.

In contrast, the Galleri test is typically not covered by insurance policies. Nonetheless, you might have the option to use the pre-tax funds from your flexible spending account (FSA) or health savings account (HSA) towards the cost of the Galleri test. We advise checking with your FSA/HSA administrator or contacting your insurance provider to confirm whether this option is available to you.

Why should I undergo testing if I'm already aware of my family's cancer history?

Screening for a hereditary cancer risk empowers you and your healthcare provider to accurately assess your risk, enabling informed decisions about preventive care. While being aware of your family history is crucial, undergoing testing provides a clearer, more precise understanding of your personal risk level.

Is MyRisk testing advised for all individuals?

Although testing provides the most precise assessment of hereditary cancer risk, it's primarily recommended for individuals with a personal or family history of cancer. If you or your family have experienced cancer, it's important to inform your healthcare provider. To evaluate if you might benefit from genetic testing for hereditary cancer, consider taking the Myriad Hereditary Cancer quiz. By answering a few simple questions, you can gain valuable insights to discuss your cancer risk with your healthcare professional and consider if further evaluation is necessary.

If my MyRisk test comes back positive, does that indicate I have cancer?

No. A genetic test does not confirm the presence of cancer at the moment. Instead, your results provide information about your genetic predisposition to developing cancer in the future.

Does a positive result from a MyRisk test guarantee that I will develop cancer?

No. A positive test result indicates an elevated risk of cancer, but it doesn't guarantee you will develop the disease